Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014


Computers are tools used to process the data according to procedures that have been formulated. Computer word originally used to describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations, with or without the tools, but the meaning of this word is then transferred to the machine itself. Origins, processing information almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.
Perangkat Keras Komputer dan Fungsinya /Computer Hardware and Functions
Computer hardware (computer hardware) is the physical components that make up an integrated system of Personal Computer (PC).
Typically these devices are assembled and mostly incorporated into a computer case and some others are outside the casing.

Perangkat keras yang berada di dalam casing umumnya terdiri dari:
The hardware inside the casing generally consists of:
= mainboard is the main component of which is to build a computer. Square-shaped board with slots for inserting other components. Its function is to connect all components of the PC.
Central processing unit
=Also commonly known as "processor" or "brain" of the computer. This is a function of the CPU processing and process all the calculations and commands that make the computer can be operated. Because of the heat it generates, the CPU is always equipped with a fan and heat sink to reduce the temperature
Random access memories
=RAM serves as a transit point for temporary data operations being executed by the CPU. RAM is volatile, meaning that this device does not store data permanently, only for the required operation alone. The capacity of the RAM on a PC that often we find quite diverse,
Video graphic array
=VGA graphics card or the card serves as a link that allows the sending of data between the PC and the graphical display device such as a monitor or projector. Most computers have a separate VGA card expansion slot mounted on the motherboard.

Hard disk drave
=Hard-disk serves as the main data storage in a computer system. Operating systems, applications, and documents stored on the hard disk. In the latest PCs, there are also new hardware called Solid State Drives (SSD). Functions the same as the hard-disk, but offers speeds faster data transfer.
Optical disc drive
=Optical drives are also commonly known as a CD Drive, DVD Drive or ODD. The function of this device is to read and store data to and from optical disc media such as CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray Disc.
Power supply unit
=Power Supply serves as a converter and distributor of electrical energy from the source outlet (eg, of electricity) to the form of electrical energy that can be used to run the computer components inside the casing. Typically, this PSU is placed at the back of the casing.
MonitorDisebut also a screen or display. The function of the monitor screen is for displaying video and graphics information generated from a computer through a device called a graphics card (VGA Card). This monitor physical form similar to the television, the television is usually only capable of displaying graphical information with higher resolution size.
Keyboard and Mouse

Keyboard and mouse MouseKeyboard and serves as an input device for entering text commands, character, or move objects on a graphical interface for processing by a computer. The size and shape of both the tool is quite diverse, but its function is the same

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